The Minoan Society: Garden Fountains

Various sorts of conduits have been discovered through archaeological excavations on the island of Crete, the cradle of Minoan society. These were applied to furnish towns and cities with water as well as to alleviate flooding and get rid of waste material. The chief ingredients employed were stone or clay. Anytime terracotta was used, it was usual

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The Myriad of Wonders at Your Feet Aboard a World Cruise

Modern-day travelers have made world cruises increasingly popular, compelling many cruise providers to include these trips on their schedules. The increased interest in traveling across the world’s oceans, seas and rivers means that the current figure of 25 million travelers per year will increase in the near future. The myriad opt

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Fountains for Compact Spots

The reflective properties of water means it can make smaller areas look larger than they are. Dark materials increase the reflective properties of a fountain or water feature. Use underwater lights, which come in many different forms and colors, to display your new feature at night. Eco-lights fueled by sunlight can be used during the day whereas y

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Setting Up and Maintaining Large Garden Fountains

An important facet to think about is the size of the outdoor wall fountain in respect to the space in which you are going to install it. In order to hold up its total weight, a solid wall is needed. So areas or walls which are smaller in size will most likely require something light. In order to run the fountain, an electrical plug will need to be

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The First Documented Outdoor Fountains of Human History

Villages and communities relied on working water fountains to channel water for preparing food, washing, and cleaning up from nearby sources like lakes, streams, or springs. A source of water higher in elevation than the fountain was necessary to pressurize the movement and send water spraying from the fountain's nozzle, a system without equal unti

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